Changing the world one Renewable Energy project at a time.


Partnering with renewable energy developers by bringing them financing, consulting, and networking.

Financing Available:

Residential Solar – Construction and PPA

Commercial and Industrial Solar – Early Stage, Construction, Sponsor Equity/Tax Equity

Utility Scale Renewables and Green Infrastructure – Debt for large scale projects, any green type, wind, solar, geo-thermal, ethanol, methane capture, green infrastructure – must have offtake agreements in place.


Our “why” is based on increasing the human potential of leadership in renewable energy companies and by so doing, helping projects get financed which leads to making the earth greener.

We affect change by helping mentor leaders in the process of structured finance and provide them with options for their earth saving projects


“Kimo has been a great resource for both capital and ideas for many years. Thanks Kimo for fanning the flames of the RevoluSun and Saving the World house by house.

Joshua Powell
CEO of RevoluSun

“KAS Consulting Group manages a broad network of contacts in the energy finance arena most of whom are off the beaten path of traditional investment partners. Based on my experience working with him, Kimo is able to very efficiently navigate his rolodex to make the appropriate introduction at the right organizations at the right level.”

Tomakin Archambault
Managing Partner of GSSG Solar

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